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Jamie Adams
Private BankerNMLS #2229174
Waukee Main Office
Riley Almos
Relationship Banker IINMLS #1147299
Brookings Main Office
Nick Anderson
Insurance Life, Health, Benefits Account Executive I
Spirit Lake Insurance Office
Luke Appel
Insurance Sales Executive I
Sioux Falls Western Branch
Russell Asman
Branch Manager IINMLS #1752613
Des Moines Drake Branch
Melissa Barrientos
Relationship Banker I
Sioux City Hamilton Office
Jocelyn Bauer
Insurance Commercial Lines Account Executive II
Laurie Beardsley
Assistant Vice President, Mortgage Loan OfficerNMLS #441062
Sioux City Main Office
Shannon Behnken
Relationship Banker II
Urbandale 86th Street Branch
Karen Benecke-Renken
Assistant Vice President, Mortgage Loan OfficerNMLS #400191
TJ Brand
Senior Vice President, Commercial Banking Officer
Ankeny Main Office
Bobby Brown
Vice President, Commercial Banking Officer
Carrissa Brown
Vice President, Staff Attorney
Storm Lake Main Office
John Brown
CFO, President, Secretary
Spirit Lake Main Office
Kevin Brown
Senior Vice President, Market President
Mark Brown
Senior Vice President, Innovation and Development Officer
West Des Moines Branch
Nick Brown
Executive Vice President, General Counsel & Regional President of South Dakota
Paul Brown
Senior Vice President, Insurance Agency Principal
Timothy Brown
Chairman of the Board, CEO
Cole Bruening
Brittny Brunning
Branch Manager I
Storm Lake North Branch
Amy Button
Branch Manager IINMLS #1965117
Matt Campbell
Stephen Comes
Vice President, Bankcard Services Manager
Matthew Cress
Insurance Agribusiness & Commercial Lines Sales Executive
Storm Lake Insurance Office
Molly Dover
Private Banker, NMLS# 473252
Jeff Eaton
Mark Ellerbusch
Branch Manager II, Mortgage Loan OfficerNMLS #465061
Sioux Falls 12th Street Branch
Ashly Esquivel
Branch Manager INMLS #1744911
Jessika Evans
Vice President, Regional Retail Manager, NMLS #1084716
Dakota Dunes Main Office
Gerene Farrell
Branch Manager IINMLS #402068
Alysa Foster
Branch Manager II, NMLS #903688
Sioux City Morningside Branch
Joe Gannon
Bailey Gaydo
Insurance Sales Executive
Cherokee Insurance Office
Nancy George
Personal Banker II/Emerald Club Director
Jeff Goetz
Senior Vice President, Senior Commercial Banking Officer
Tanner Gribben
Commercial Banking Officer
Jenny Hamer
Business Account Specialist
Samantha Hanks
Branch Manager IINMLS #2461324
Melissa Hansen
Insurance Personal Lines Sales Executive
Tasha Haszier
Insurance Agribusiness - Account Executive II
Sioux City Insurance Office
Jacob Hawk
Branch Manager INMLS #1742229
Sioux Falls Minnesota Branch
Charity Heaton
Vice President, Treasury Management Officer
Mark Heffernan
Troy Heitman
Senior Vice President, Special Assets Officer
Dawn Henning
Relationship Banker IINMLS# 1795616
Jessica Hernandez
Teresa Hernandez
Janelle Holter
Vice President, Marketing Officer
Ben Huggins
Anthony Hunt
Denis James
Peter Jenkins
Assistant Vice President, Mortgage Loan Officer, NMLS# 1136071
Chris Jenness
Senior Vice President, Market President, NMLS# 493730
Cherokee Main Office
Brett Johnson
Bryan Johnson
Vice President, Regional Retail Manager, NMLS# 651499
Jessica Kazos
Private Banker, NMLS# 688259
Deb Kent
Jeffrey Khamphasouk
Commercial Banking Associate
Jessie Kies
Senior Vice President, Human Resources Officer
Monty Kinseth
Mortgage Loan Officer, NMLS# 546417
Matthew Klein
Vice President II, Mortgage Loan Officer, NMLS# 446592
Austin Klett
Dianna Koontz
Vice President, Mortgage Loan Officer, NMLS# 493728
Luke Kramer
Christopher Krueger
Senior Vice President, Mortgage Banking Sales Officer, NMLS# 728693
Jeff Lapke
Executive Vice President, Chief Lending Officer, Market President
Charlie Larson
Vice President II, Mortgage Loan OfficerNMLS# 493731
JoAnn Linn
Assistant Vice President, Mortgage Loan OfficerNMLS# 1254154
Sioux Falls Mortgage Lending Office
Taylor Lullmann
Insurance Personal Lines Sales Executive I
Mackenzie Lundy
Branch Manager IINMLS# 1774846
Cindy Mart
Vice President II, Mortgage Loan OfficerNMLS# 493726
Blair Martyr
Branch Manager IINMLS# 2028307
Jessica Mayfield
Ryan McDonald
Branch Manager II
Des Moines Highland Park Branch
Greg McInnis
Vice President, Insurance Agency Agribusiness Manager
Stacy Meyer
Karrie Meyerhoff
Damon Miller
Justin Mohning
Insurance Agency Strategic Officer
Xochitl Montano
Ethan Moxnes
Regional Retail ManagerNMLS# 1514666
Dean Musgrove
Tristan Navrkal
Debbie Nelson
Relationship Banker II/Emerald Club Director
Cole Nicol
Insurance Commercial Lines Account Executive
Logan Nolan
Branch Manager IINMLS# 1267884
Jared Noteboom
Mortgage Loan OfficerNMLS# 1207705
Sioux City 4th Street Mortgage Lending Office
Walter Orellana
Relationship Banker IINMLS # 2148240
Tim Paulson
Vice President, Agriculture Banking Officer
Kayla Pederson
Relationship Banker IINMLS# 1455193
Haliee Pieper
Vice President, Commercial Banking OfficerNMLS# 2409845
Dustin Pohlman
Vice President, Regional Retail Manager
Angela Reinert
Personal Banker II
Mike Reitmajer
Insurance Life, Health, & Benefits Account Executive
Shea Reitz
Jeff Richter
Executive Vice President, Chief Mortgage OfficerNMLS# 493725
Kaleb Rowley
Rosana Sanchez
Jon Saylor
Vice President II, Commercial Banking Officer
Mariah Schroht
Insurance Account Executive I
Cody Selig
Assistant Vice President, Agricultural Banking Officer
Cherokee Main Office, Sioux City Main Office
Brett Smith
SVP, Market President, Retail Bank Officer
ReNae Smith
Agricultural Banking Officer
Barry Sommervold
Senior Vice President, Chief Operating Officer/Cashier
Connor Spindler
Assistant Vice President, Commercial Banking Officer
Brady Stenzel
Kaylea Struve
Commercial Banking OfficerNMLS# 2014295
Heidi Swenson
Mortgage Loan Officer, NMLS# 400170
Eric Taylor
Richard Thomason
Relationship Manager
Mike Todd
Senior Vice President, Senior Agricultural Banking Officer
Matt Tonjum
Dianna Tran
Ryan Van Duyn
Senior Vice President, Chief Credit Officer
Angie Van Otterloo
Vice President, Mortgage Loan OfficerNMLS# 402073
Sioux City Jones Street Mortgage Lending Office
Richard Vincent
Relationship Banker IINMLS #2107309
Katie Waite
Assistant Vice President, Insurance Personal Lines Sales Manager
Sherry Wessling
Senior Vice President, Compliance & Loan Operations Officer
Jason White
Senior Vice President, Mortgage Operations Manager
Claire Wilson
Commercial Loan Services Supervisor
Scott Wilson
Dean Zelle
Insurance Life, Health & Benefit Sales Manager